(logo)  Hotlist

Adding a page

The AWeb hotlist can be used to remember the addresses of interesting pages. Whenever you find an interesting page that you think you would like to visit again in the future, you should add the page to the hotlist. Do this by pressing the add to hotlist button, or using the Hotlist / Add to hotlist menu item.

Using the list

Press the hotlist button, or use the Hotlist / Show hotlist menu item to load a page with all links to all remembered pages.

With the Hotlist button gives requester setting, you can make the hotlist button pop up a requester. This is the same requester as for the Hotlist / Maintenance... menu item. The functions in this requester are described below.


When you choose the Hotlist / Maintenance... menu item, a requester will open. In this requester you can change entries in the hotlist, move them around, group entries or delete them.

Use the window close gadget, or the Esc key to close the requester.

Change an entry

Select the entry you want to change, either with the mouse or with the cursor up and down keys. Now you can change the name of the entry and the URL that it points to.

Move an entry

Select the entry you want to move, either with the mouse or with the cursor up and down keys. Now you can move the entry up and down in the list with either the arrow up and arrow down buttons, or with the Ctrl + cursor up/down keys. The entry will step into open groups, but will skip closed groups.

If you move a group title, the entire group will move.

Add an entry

Use the Add a link button in case you want to add an entry to the list and type the name and URL yourself.

Group entries

Use the Add a group button to create a group, then change its name. Now you can add entries to the group, or move existing entries into it. Entries within a group will be displayed indented in the list. You can include other groups within a group, to any level.

Click on the little arrow next to the group title in the list to open or close the group. If the group is closed, its members are not visible, making the list clearer. Also, you can use the Enter key to open and close a group if the title is selected.

Remove an entry

Select the entry you want to remove, either with the mouse or with the cursor up and down keys. Now you can remove the entry with the Remove button. If you remove a group, all members will be removed too.

Follow a link

Select the entry for the document you want to load, either with the mouse or with the cursor up and down keys. Now you can load the document with either the Follow button or with the Enter key.
Another way to follow a link is to double-click on it.

If you have selected the Hotlist requester auto close setting, the requester will close if you follow a link. Otherwise the requester stays open.

Save and restore

If the hotlist was changed, it will be saved automatically when you leave AWeb. You can save it earlier with the Hotlist / Save hotlist menu item. The hotlist is also saved after you have added a link.

Use the Hotlist / Restore last saved menu item to revert the hotlist to the state it was in when it was last saved.

Using other hotlists

You can specify a different hotlist to use with the HOTLIST tooltype or argument.

You can load another AWeb hotlist using the Hotlist / Other... menu item. The hotlist will be shown as document, not in the hotlist maintenance requester.

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